A recipe for a creative brief
Here in the Aylesworth Fleming “Bake Off” kitchen, we aim to turn out delicious masterpieces every time.
Every great creative starts with a great brief, it’s like baking a cake – with the objective of producing something tasty and impressing the ‘judges’!
Hungry? Ready, steady, create!
What sort of cake? (Planning and Research)
Cupcake, vanilla sponge or wedding cake? Each has a different approach, audience and purpose, so each cake needs to reflect this. Likewise we need to understand the product and have an understanding of the requirement, who we are targeting and who is it that we need to appeal to – Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood… or both, as people are very different.
Ingredients (The Brief)
Just like making a cake, we can’t bake without knowing the ingredients.
A moodboard, pictures, research, purchaser profiles and liked-brands all help us establish a picture of whom we’re trying to talk to… “So they drive an Audi, shop at Tesco, like football, work full time, keep fit, married with children and watch The Great British Bake-Off” – the more we know about our target, the better.
What is the budget and the required deliverables? How it will be seen or heard? Is it off or online? What is the media mix?
The creative brief helps us achieve and deliver the desired outcome.
Mixing it (The Creative Process)
Now we know which cake to make and have all the ingredients, we need to establish a strategy and the basis of “The idea” with the team to make sure we’re ready to start mixing together the copy, creative, design and production.
Baking Time (The Creative Magic)
Baking up the creative is not easy. We need to concentrate, blend and experiment. You can’t rush this stage – the cake needs time to rise to perfection.
Final touches (Reviewing the Creative)
Allow time to settle, review the work, make sure nothing’s been missed, check for taste, if it’s a cupcake, for example, add one last sprinkle of “hundreds and thousands” to enhance, voila!
Proof is in the eating (Feedback)
How did the finished cake taste? Feedback allows us to measure our work and keep getting better at what we do – lets keep it positive, as everyone loves to win “Star Baker”
And that’s all there is to it – it’s a recipe for success!